Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potato pie & I shut my mouth....
Does anyone know that old country song? It's called Song of the South, but I don't remember who it's by.

Anyways, Emma started veggies today & guess what she ate? Sweet Potatoes! She actually liked them! She ate her rice cereal too! Good girl! She made the HUGEST mess ever & I put her straight in the bath. It was all down her onesie & everything. Gross. I didn't put a bib on her, because it's becoming a lost cause. It still goes down her shirt. Whatever. She's just a messy eater. Plus, she's constantly trying to eat her bib, so I'm holding it down, while trying to shove the spoon in her mouth. It sucks.

Oh, and added to my last update. Not only did I not get to use 2 coupons at my friendly neighborhood Publix, I also paid $4.50 for bottle nipples that did NOT come home with me! Yes, I even checked the car. They are no where. When I figured it out these evening as I was loading the dishwasher, it made me really mad. Anyway, I will not be visiting that Publix again for a long time. And to think, I always liked Publix. NOT ANY MORE. MAD.

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