Emma turned 6 months old on Friday. You realize that is half a year.

She has gotten so old, but so fun. I fall in love with her even more every day. She is such a huge source of JOY in our lives & we are so BLESSED that God picked her out especially for us.

The past couple weeks have been very exciting for her. She's learned so many new tricks! When I sit her up, she can stay up (no hands!) for a period of time until she decides she wants to do something else & she falls over. Sometimes this "period of time" is a couple seconds, but seriously, she can stay up for quite a long time if she wants to (10 mins+). She can't sit up on her own yet, but she still tries & is getting better & stronger. We call it doing her "baby crunches."

Emma has started solids. She's been eating cereal & oatmeal for a month, but last week we started veggies. She's had sweet potatoes, peas, & carrots. And guess what?? She likes it all! In a few days we'll start fruit, which I know she'll love!

Emma has learned to blow raspberries. I guess I taught her that without meaning to. She likes me to make all sorts of noises out of my mouth, so of course, raspberries are one of them. She finally figured out how to do it herself & it's adorable & so funny! She produces a huge mess of slobber, but I love it. It's only bad when she's eating (bottle or veggies/cereal) & then it makes a mess. She'll learn though.

And the biggest thing: She's mobile. Ok, so she isn't moving fast or far, but girlfriend is On-The-Move! The past few weeks she's been trying to get up on all fours. She had trouble for awhile getting both parts of her body up at the same time, but she finally figured it out last week. And now that they're up, there's nothing stopping her! She's rocking, which means she will crawl before we know it! With the rocking, she does move, but it's very slow & has actually been backwards, which I think is so funny. She tries to go one direction, but she ends up the opposite. Poor Em. But now she can move to the opposite end of her crib, she can get to her toys on the floor easier, & she's trying to get in trouble! We bought a baby gate today at Babies R Us, so she won't end up going down the steps. And we're about to start some serious baby-proofing in the house. It's really so fun & we're so excited!

Of course, it's not fair to talk about all her tricks, but not talk about what a precious, good natured baby we have! She is usually in such a good mood & is so smiley all the time. She loves her jumperoo & she loves to snuggle with her mommy & daddy (& her nanny, papa, grandma, & grandpa, plus her aunts & uncles & her aunt atchie. Oh, and Nene too). She likes to play (& eat) her toys & she likes to read (& eat) books. She likes to watch TV & tries to "help" us on our computers & with our iPhones. She was at the doctor today & they were mean to her (shots! pokes! mean!) & she smiled & was just so pleasant & she talked a lot to them! She was just so good & even recovered from the shots almost immediately & was smiling again before we walked out of the room. She's just easy going & so so lovable.

I really can't even say how blessed we are to have such a wonderful baby. We love her so much & we've really enjoyed her these last 6 months! Here's to many many more!

I love you, Emma.