Uncle Perry, Aunt Barbara, Kristin, Clint, Maddy, Derek, & David all headed over to my parents' on Christmas afternoon. We enjoyed a delicious lunch of lasagna, salad, & bread.
Then it was gift time! We drew names this year, so that made it easier on all of us. David got a new skillet with lid for spaghetti sauce, etc (we needed it!) & I got a cute button up shirt that I can wear to work/church & cute socks.
Emma got LOTS of stuff! Clothes, toys, books, etc. Then she got really tired again & took another nap on Mommy (that's why there aren't more pictures!) About the time Emma went to sleep, Maddy woke up, so I didn't get any pictures of Maddy :(
After everyone went home, we headed over to my Uncle Eric's house to visit with the Hughes for awhile. I was pooped, so I forgot to take any pictures :( We had a really nice time getting to see my aunts, uncles, & cousins & we enjoyed lots of yummy food! Emma got some fun gifts too! :)
Then we came home & crashed! We went to Blockbuster (they are open on Christmas - who knew!) & watched a movie (unfortunately, I forget which one). We started laundry & sorting piles of stuff. Then I unboxed all of Emma's new toys & put a few things together. Unfortunately the wiping down of all her new things didn't end until about a week later, ugh!
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