She crawls very fast away from us - I say that she's "running." When she knows she shouldn't be going some place, she just goes faster! She makes a run for it & we have to chase her down the hallway before she gets into something she shouldn't. It is fun that she can go so far now though. This morning, I followed her to the kitchen & she played with her barn animal magnets while I made her bottle & fixed my cereal. It saves my back a little, as she is now over 20 pounds. I keep telling her she needs to learn to walk because Mommy can't hold her forever (although, I sometimes wish I could!)
She has stood up completely on her own a couple times, but she is still mostly pulling up on things. She can "let go" for longer & longer now. I honestly believe if she wasn't so easily distracted, she would be able to stand on her own for a lot longer, but she always wants to get a toy or crawl somewhere. She definitely doesn't really understand walking yet, so hasn't really tried on her own - crawling is just so much faster!
She still chews on everything; in fact, she just took her shoe off & it's in her mouth (yuck!) I think she's working on another tooth (she has 4 so far - 2 bottom, 2 top) because she's been fussy the past couple days & has been drooling a lot more. Let's hope it comes through soon, I want my happy, smiley baby back!
She is being so cute. She's liking books more (thank goodness!) so she'll actually sit nicely long enough for me to read a couple board books at a time to her. She does keep trying to close the books though. Slow progress. What she loves right now is she has a big plastic spoon (in one of the pictures) from her kitchen that she loves to chew on. One day, I put the spoon up to my mouth & made sipping noises & she just smiled. She kept putting the spoon back to my mouth & I'd make the sounds for her again. We also play this with her bottle once she's done eating. She loves it & likes to share her "food" with Mommy.
She LOVES eating her solids. I could seriously feed her cheerios & puffs constantly throughout the day & she'd keep eating them. She loves yogurt & cheese. I've given her white rice. Last night, for the first time, she had ice cream! We got oreo McFlurries from McDonald's last night (I know, bad for my diet), & she just really wanted to get mine. So I gave her little bits of just the ice cream part (although, there were probably a few crumbs mixed in - bad mom). So not only did I break my no chocolate until 1 year rule (well, Oreos), I gave the kid ice cream. And she LOVED it. She tapped my arm, wanting more & more. She is definitely our child :)
She has been the biggest blessing & I'm so thankful God gave her to us. I guess I'm going to have to start thinking about a 1st birthday party pretty soon! :)
1 comment:
This made me laugh & cry! She's absolutely perfect! I love her!!
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