Emma's now 8 months old! EIGHT. I can't believe it. She's so stinkin big. She's so busy too. She sits up, she crawls, she pulls up, she cruises. She thinks she can stand totally on her own, but thank goodness, she can't yet. Needless to say, we will have a very fun (busy!) Christmas!
I've started shopping for her. Santa is bringing her a laugh & learn kitchen, as of last night. It should arrive next week. It looks so cute, I hope she likes it! Also, I bought her (early) the little people's nativity, so she's getting that as soon as it arrives. That way she can play with it all the Christmas season. I know she won't get it this year, but maybe next year she'll get it a little more. I still have lots of shopping to do, mostly for family. I think David & I are just going to get a shared big present this year & then maybe a few small things. That's good though, we don't need much.
Thanksgiving is coming up next week! It's hard to believe! Emma is going to have turkey next Thursday too (but baby food!) I'll get her to start trying it this weekend. We'll be staying home this year & going to my Aunt & Uncle's for dinner with my family. It should be fun!