My baby & I went to clean my parents' house today. We cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. She got mad at me & then I realized it was because she had been sitting in a stinky diaper awhile. Then I felt bad.
We saw Uncle Cory. He's still afraid of her a little bit, as he's not used to them, but he's starting to get more used to her. I made him hold her some. It's good for him. Builds character.
Emma slobbered on my parents' bed. I don't think they'll really care though. Nothing's as sweet as baby slobber.
Came home & she jumped awhile.

She likes it. It was a good investment, for sure.
Also, my crazy BFF decided to have panic attacks because of stress today. She had chest pain & a headache & felt like she was dying, but she wouldn't go to the school nurse (she's a teacher) to have her blood pressure taken until after the kids had all gone home. And wouldn't you know, it was 141/110. Like basically, she could have had a stroke. And then she went to a stupid staff meeting instead of to the dr like I & the nurse told her to. So basically, some stupid 2 hour meeting about ethics is worth risking your life over.
Oh, and get this, she finally goes to the Minute Clinic & her blood pressure is normal. So the stupid lady tells her it's just indigestion & to get prilosec. I'm sorry, lady, but you are an idiot. Anyway, I hope my BFF doesn't die because of the Minute Clinic lady & the fact she didn't send her down to the ER. Anyway, she seems to be fine now, I made her lay on her left side & rest. I had to do that when I was on bed rest at the end of my pregnancy for high blood pressure.
Zaxby's for dinner, gotta love the Zax sauce! That reminds me, today I had Chick-Fil-A for lunch (yes, I kind of have a thing for chicken, thankyouverymuch) & I got the new-style chicken strips. But last time we were there, we noticed as we were pulling out that they had a new sauce called "Chick-Fil-A Sauce." And we were really disappointed because we both wanted to try it. We had high hopes for this new sauce, for goodness sake! And really, I wanted it to be like Zaxby's sauce because that would make me love Chick-Fil-A all the more. But guess what. It wasn't. It was like honey mustard stuff. And I was very unimpressed and very disappointed. So, Chick-Fil-A, if you're reading: steal the recipe for Zax sauce. You'll thank me later. I told David & he was disappointed too. He already hates the Chick-Fil-A, so really this is probably the final straw.
So now that this post has really turned out about my crazy BFF & sauce for my fried chicken, I better quit while I'm ahead.
Night y'all.