Our days are just flying by!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving & hope you did too. This mommy was lazy & didn't take any pictures :( So sorry. Nanny & Papa took a bunch, though, so I'll get some eventually.
I had a job interview last week. I survived, but it was hard. I'm just glad it's over. It sounds like I won't hear anything back until after the holidays.
My baby is wild. She runs (crawls fast!) around all day & eats books & toys & whatever she can get to her mouth. Yesterday she tried to eat the sock I was wearing - yuck! She likes pull all the books out of her toy "box" in the living room & then pulls out all the toys too. Yesterday she figured out how to actually get in the box! She did it once, but then the second time bumped her head. She pulls up like a pro & sometimes can stay balanced for a little while after letting go. Usually though, she sits back down pretty quickly, but it's generally because she's found something else to play with.
She pulls all the lower ornaments off the bottom of the tree (yes they are baby safe) & likes to play with the branches. She tries to pull herself up a little on the lower branches, but hasn't been very successful. She also likes the presents & took a ribbon off & starting opening one of Uncle Cory's presents. Needless to say, she keeps me on my toes.
She likes Puffs & is starting to like Cheerios (they are more bland). We've been through most of the baby food jars (purees), so I'll ask the Dr on Friday what we should try next. We've done all the stage 1s & 2s. Oh and she eats yogurt & has had turkey, chicken, & beef baby food. So yeah, foodwise, we are moving right along. She seems to really have the chewing action going, so we can probably try something more solid soon. I also bought mesh feeders, so she'll probably like that. She's finally learned how to hold her bottle herself & feed herself & does SO well. She has totally been holding out on us all this time. This morning I actually finished getting ready while she fed herself a bottle. It was wonderful.
Today we went to Target & Babies R Us with Shelly to help her register. We really enjoyed helping her pick out all the cute baby stuff & I picked up a few things for Emma's stocking. I officially only have 3 more gifts to buy, which I should finish up tomorrow & Friday. Tomorrow we're going to Nanny's work to have lunch & for Nanny to show off Emma & Friday Emma has her 9 month Drs appointment. I'm acutally going by myself to that, so I'm not looking forward to it.
This weekend is looking pretty busy! We have Christmas with Atchie, Robbie, & kids on Friday night. Saturday morning we'll head up to Ball Ground & have Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa, Uncle Brent, Aunt Leslie, William, & Thompson, & Aunt Sharon & Aunt Susan. Saturday afternoon we'll have Christmas lunch with all the (extended) Ganns & then Sunday afternoon we'll have Christmas lunch with all the (extended) Hughes'. Then I think we'll take a long nap!
Then we'll have a couple days break & then Christmas is here! I can't wait to see how Emma will react to all the new toys (not to mention all the awesome paper!) Over that weekend, David's family will be in from out of town, so we'll be busy enjoying them. We are definitely looking forward to it!
Now, a few pictures for the road...

I'm sure next time you hear from me I will have TONS of pictures to share! Get excited!
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!